New Hope Creek Corridor Advisory Committee

Public Meeting on Pickett Road Closing

What is the meeting?

The Durham Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) would like to invite you to a “drop-in” public meeting to discuss the proposal to close Pickett Road between Randolph Road and Erwin Road. The purpose of this drop-in meeting is to allow the community a chance to discuss the proposal one-on-one with staff members and leave feedback for the DCHC MPO staff and board. There will not be any formal presentation.

When and where is the meeting?

Where: Trinity School
4011 Pickett Road
Durham, NC 27705
South Building Library

When: May 1, 2012

What Time: 5:00 - 7:00 PM


The closing of Pickett Road has been proposed as part of the development of the Hollow Rock Access Area at New Hope Preserve. The Orange County Board of County Commissioners would have responsibility for initiating the road closing and has requested input from adjacent governments and the DCHC MPO. 

The MPO’s board (Transportation Advisory Committee – TAC) will likely include the Pickett Road closing as an agenda item at a future TAC meeting. For more information on the DCHC MPO, visit the MPO’s Web site: For questions, please contact Andy Henry by email or call: (919) 560-4366 Ext. 36419.

More Background from Wendy Jacobs of the Erwin Area Neighborhood Group

The May 1 drop in-public meeting is about the proposed closing of the gravel portion of Pickett Rd. between paved Pickett Rd. and Erwin Road.

As part of the process of creating the Hollow Rock Access Area at New Hope Creek Master Plan that was completed in 2008, public input was given pertaining to the closing of the part of Pickett Road which bisects the park. The overwhelming public response from two public meetings was that citizens in the area supported closing the road for safety reasons and for best public use of the park land. These recommendations were incorporated into the park plan which recommends that this section of Pickett Road be closed to vehicular traffic and used as a pedestrian and bike trail and for parking.

A traffic study was subsequently done which shows that there is adequate vehicular capacity on Randolph Road for the traffic currently generated on this portion of Pickett Road. The traffic study also recommended traffic improvements such as installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Randolph and Erwin Road. The current recommendation of representatives of our local governments is that the closing of Pickett Road take place in conjunction with installation of a traffic signal at Erwin and Randolph roads. Therefore the closing of Pickett Road will help facilitate and justify needed improvements.

Please stop by this meeting at Trinity School on May 1 between 5:00 and 7:00 pm to register your support for the closing of Pickett Road and implementation of the Park Master Plan in conjuction with traffic improvements to the Randolph/Erwin intersection. It is important for the DCHC MPO to hear from the public about this matter so we can move forward with the New Hope Preserve Park!